Wednesday, December 29, 2010

H.264 video comes to Firefox via Microsoft

Microsoft has released a new add-on for Firefox that will make the browser capable of playing back H.264 video by tapping into the codecs installed on the system. It uses the Windows Media Player plug-in to play back video. Obviously it will work only on Windows, only Windows 7 in fact.

The add-on looks for instances of HTML5 video, and replaces the video with an instance of the Windows Media player plug-in, pointed to the same video source file. Since the video in not actually playing in the browser itself, but in a plug-in, this has no advantages over just using the Flash Player.

But the Firefox owner, Mozilla, and Opera Software have instead decided to stand behind WebM and Theora as future standards for the web. In any case WebM is a better contender for the format of choice on the web in the future than H.264 due to its open nature.

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